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    Customers Experiencing Vulnerability

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    AllClear Customers Experiencing Vulnerability Support

    Customers Experiencing Vulnerability

    At AllClear, we recognise that a person’s vulnerabilities can give rise to unique needs and that their needs can change over time and in response to certain situations. We encourage our Customers to tell us about their vulnerability so that we can work with you to arrange support — otherwise, there is a risk that we may not find out about your situation and not provide you with the support or assistance needed.

    What is Vulnerability?

    A vulnerable person is someone who, due to personal circumstances or due to the actions of others, is susceptible to harm, loss or disadvantage. Vulnerability can be temporary or ongoing. It can be gradual or sudden. Anyone can become vulnerable at any point in time.
    A person’s vulnerability may be due to a range of factors such as:

    • Age
    • Disability
    • Mental health conditions
    • Physical health conditions
    • Family violence
    • Language barriers
    • Cultural background
    • Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander status
    • Remote location
    • Financial distress

    If you are experiencing vulnerability and require additional support or assistance, we will work with you and try to find a suitable, sensitive and compassionate way for us to proceed.

    How We Can Help

    It is our paramount priority that whenever a form of vulnerability is identified or suspected, the safety of the customer and their family is protected. We have established internal policies and training appropriate for customer services representatives to:

    A. Identify if a customer may be vulnerable;

    B. Decide about how best, and to what extent, they can support a vulnerable customer;

    C. Take account of a customer’s particular needs or vulnerability; and

    D. Engage with a vulnerable customer with sensitivity, dignity, respect and compassion — this may include arranging additional support, for example, referring the customer to people or services with specialist training and experience, or arranging access to financial hardship support.
    Additionally we have created a specialised team called ‘Extra Care Team’ for each stream of our customer service (sales and service, claims, internal dispute resolution areas) who can help with your needs and give you extra comfort when you are dealing with us.

    How You Can Get Support

    You will have access to our ‘Extra Care Teams’ specialised in sales and service, claims, internal dispute resolution, specifically trained to support Customers experiencing vulnerability with ‘extra care’ and ‘flexibility’, please just tell us about your needs when you contact us either by phone or by email.

    At your request:

    • We can provide information about our services in different languages.
    • You can write to us in your preferred language and we will have your correspondence translated.
    • We can arrange for our correspondence to be translated into your preferred language.

    Please note that our support do not include translating non-English documents of your claim. Please visit NAATI for notarizing and translation services.

    For any other question, you can always write to us on:
    [email protected]

    Additional Resources

    We always encourage you to tell us if you require extra support. You can do this through our call centres, website, or indirectly through our distributors and suppliers however here are some links to helpful information, and available tools and services:

    In an emergency or if a customer is not feeling safe, you can always call 000

    1800RESPECT – 1800 737 732
    24-hour hotline for anyone who is at risk of domestic and family violence and sexual assault.

    Lifeline – 13 11 14
    24-hour crisis support and suicide prevention services.

    Aboriginal Family Domestic Violence – 1800 019 123
    A dedicated line for Aboriginal victims of crime who would like information on victims’ rights, how to access counselling and financial assistance.

    Relationships Australia – 1300 364 277
    Community-based not-for-profit organisation providing support groups and counselling on relationships.

    Ageing and Disability Abuse Helpline – 1800 628 221
    A helpline for abuse, neglect and exploitation of older people and adults with disability.

    National Debt Hotline – 1800 007 007
    Free financial advice and counselling services on how to get your finances back on track during a difficult time.

    Kids Helpline – 1800 551 800
    Free private and confidential counselling services for young people aged 5 and 25.

    Mensline Australia – 1300 789 978
    Free telephone and online support, information and referrals for men with family and relationship concerns.

    QLife – 1800 184 527
    Free and anonymous counselling services and LGBTI relationship support.